Many individuals dye or color their hair for various reasons. It may be to return their grey hair back to its original color, or to change their hair color to one they feel is more fashionable, or it may be that they just feel like a bit of change and wants some highlights to their hair. Although the results of hair color can vary, some are satisfied with the results they get from the coloring treatment while others end up with an unwanted mess atop their heads. Such misfortunes may be avoidable if the person wishing to dye their hair knows and understands some of the basics behind this hair treatment.

Prior to the treatment, the color of the dye and the type of dye to be used must be properly identified. The color of the hair, may it be natural or dyed will appear different under natural and artificial lighting. Often the shade of the hair’s color can differ slightly as a result of the light’s reflection on the hair.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3760238


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